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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Through My Child's Eye"

Oh how I wish I could view the world through my child's eye! She views the world in such a way that I get down right jealous! She looks at every bug, worm, bird, lizard, sunrise, sunset, beach sand, clouds, her toes, fingers, nose, grass, trees and....well...just EVERYTHING with such wonder and joy and HUMOR! A couple of months ago she was in the bathroom and she yelled for me, "MOOOOOOOOOOMY!". So, in usual mom fashion, I ran as fast as I could in total panic to my baby... and when I got there she said, "Look! An ant! It's looking for it's mommy" (isnt she sweet? ) so I of course took my thumb and squished that bastard! He tried to bite my kid after all! :) And Sydney said, "why'd you do that???!!!!! That's Gods child too! I just wanted you put him outside. He's part of nature mommy!!". Geesh kid! I just saved your life and that's all I get?

As we grow up we get scared and traumatized.  We start having preconceived notions of how things should be, could be or outta be. The truth is we know nothing and nothing is what it seems. I wish we could all start over. Have a mental and emotional rebirth. Where the world is the coolest place ever and everyday and every experience is just as amazing as the last. Where there is wonder and excitement in just waking up! Where we don't want to go to bed because we're afraid we might miss out! Where we still believe in dreams and make believe.

I watch my daughter in wonder constantly. Most of the time it brings me great joy and satisfaction (remember I'm a bad ass amazing mom :) But sometimes I feel sad that she will have her own trials and tribulations. That I cant protect her from all of that. She will get her heart broken (probably more than once), somebody will bully her and there will be nights she'll cry herself to sleep. I wont always be there to protect and comfort her, but I guess that's life! My mother never told me it was fair.

So, just for today, try to remember what the world was like when you were 5! You could fly, eat whatever you wanted without caring about your ass size, who cared if your clothes didn't matched (even better if they didn't) and you always marched to your own beat....Sounds nice dosent it?

 I know my daughter learns alot from me, but I think I learn waaaaay more from her!

Laters baby! :0)
Opps! I mean peace out bitches! ;)