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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Life Is What You Think It"

When Sydney was a toddler (crazy how time flies!) she would fall down ALL the time! Her knees were always scabbed (and still are). She gets her two left feet honestly. We're the kind of family where walls move into our head, corners of table always get into our way and our pinkie toe seems to find the corner of the wall atleast once a week (OUCH!). After she would fall down she would always look around. She was looking for a reaction from me. So, I would smile and score her landing..."Great job Syd! That was an 8.5! You can do better next time. Now brush it off and try again!". So, she would shake her leg, smile and move on with her day. Now,  if I ran to her and said,. "Sydney are you okay baby?"  She would take my nervous energy and run with it. She would cry and lean on me and want a band-aid etc...never ending saga! I decided early on that I would teach her that it's all about perspective. That not only is life what you make it, but in my opinion, life is what you think it. I've learned to look at situations differently. That whole cliche "Look at the bright side" does have some truth to it. You know when you have two people in the same room, who are watching the same thing, but have two different stories? It's two different perspectives.

 I believe that how you view your life, a situation and other people is a choice. One of my favorite authors and teachers, Marianne Williamson, calls a change in perspective a MIRACLE! That to look at something differently can change your life and attitude forever.

So, as with everything else I try my best. Sometimes I get Syd the band-aid to appease the situation so I can finish my beer (I kidd I kidd :) and sometimes I try to teach her the lesson...HEY!!! It aint easy being a parent let alone a single parent! :) But, I'm very blessed she choose me and that were on this amazing journey together! Peace...

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