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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"My Kid, His Kids, My Ex, His Ex... Oh My!"

And the story continues......So now I'm divorced, happy, healthy, forgiving, forgetting, praying and drinking (most of the time... and not in that order!). Here I am in another committed relationship with a man who has two children of his own and an ex-wife to boot (ooohhh Lord help me!:) So yes!! It's my kid, his kids, my ex, his ex and holy mother fucker OH MY! hehe...

I read this Jewish proverb once and it said something like,  "when two divorced people get married they get into bed with 4 people".

If hes not on the phone with his ex,  I'm on the phone with mine! That's what happens when you have children that you love more than life itself...you put their needs in front of yours...you co-parent! :)  It's not easy!! It's not even kinda easy! On a GOOD day, it sucks! You have to be a mature adult ALL THE FREAKIN TIME! Uggg!! You have to watch what you say and how you say it, the eye rolling and teeth sucking are kept to minimum and you can't really say how you feel because it just causes another fight! And the worst of all.........YOU HAVE TO COMPROMISE WITH THE PERSON YOU DIVORCED! Could it get any worse????? Actually YES!!!! You could still be with that person! (I'd rather hump a tree stump in the middle of mosquito season! :) But, the kids are happy and that makes it all worth it! And on a BAD day?? The bitch is back and all this crap goes out the window and the fighting starts where we left off.....HEY!!! Who are you to judge? I'm only human! hehe :) God willing, there's always tomorrow...Peace Out!

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