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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"What You Water Grows"

I've had a "Vision Board" on the wall of my bedroom for approxiametly 7 -8 years  (I told you I watch alot of Oprah! :) I usually have quotes that inspire me in the moment along with a few future goals written on my board. Right now my goals are to save money (hollar! $$), run 3 miles in 24 minutes and have complete acceptance of my "new" life (I set my goals high!)
I've had one particular quote on my board for several months now. I'm not really sure where I got it from but, it spoke to me then and continues too now..., "What You Water Grows".  I just heard it on the radio yesterday and my yoga teacher said it on Sunday!! So of course I feel it's a sign from above that I share this message with all of YOU! :)
I have applied this quote to all my negative thoughts and feelings (bastards). The more you focus on them the worse they seem to get! I have also applied this to my parenting "style".  If you focus on the negative behavior then it seems to just multiply!  I have started to ignore my daughter when she asks the same question ten fuckin times! Of course I answer after the first or second,  but if the answer is not what she wants to hear then the badgering starts! "Mommy.....mommy....mommy.....why not?....why not?....Please....please....please"...ugggg!
I'm no expert! Just trying to get by...but, it works for me and my munchie! Try it and let me know how it goes....
So, I'm currently "watering" my gorgeous, hilarious daughter, my amazing, intelligent boyfriend, MY precious mind and soul...MY joy and MY happiness. I'm focusing on the positive at work, in my current life and into my future.

I believe you can either water the weeds or water the flowers...choice is yours!  At least for today I'm watering the flowers...talk to me tomorrow.... :) Peace.


firechic said...

I know your vision board :) Agreed on the parenting thing. I ignore rather than start screaming because it escalates and accomplishes nothing. Then I talk calmly and sternly.

Casie said...

Of course you know my Vision Board! You know everything about me! BFF's Rock! Your an amazing mom :) I really dont know how you do it all!!! XOXOXOX