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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"Good Ol' Fashion Bitch Session"

This blog is not going to have an inspirational message or a lesson learned at the end. I just needed to vent to my closest friends (YOU bitches!)
Being a mommy is freakin HARD (sorry dads, I can only speak from a vaginal point of view :)  Not a complete a triathlon hard, work full time while going to school full time hard, or even a "put on your big girl panties" and suck it up kind of day hard. But, the real deal, exhausting to your DNA with every sense of who you are,  God, Buddha, Mary and Joseph I need your help hard!!!!!! I always feel that at some point in my day that I'm totally and completely fucking up my daughter! I always seem to say and do the wrong thing! At the end of most days both her and I are crying! I love her more than I will ever be able to express, but she can piss me off like no other. My five year old daughter told me today while slamming her fist down, "I won't finish my breakfast unless you turn back on the TV!!!" "What the fuck did you just say?" is what I wanted to say to her, but of course I didn't (did I mention that she's ONLY FIVE?)  So, with a quick "attitude adjustment" I sent her to her room to cry it out, while I sat in the kitchen to cry it out! Yes mother...pay backs are a bitch and then you give birth to one. :)

So, God, Buddha, Mary, Joseph and all the other higher powers that be...please have mercy on my soul and put patience in my heart. Because if you don't, Sydney may not make it to six years old and shes super cute and has alot to offer the world so please be with me and all the other bad ass hard working mommy's out there to help us get through another day......oh yeah and where's that beer?? lol ...Amen. Peace.


TaraMichelle said...

Sounds just like Mackenzie...The other night she refused to take a shower. I told her to get in there or else and she said to me "If you let me have an extra 10 min of TV time tonight...I will go take a shower now." Seriously who does she think she is??? She is six and I am the f'ing adult!!! THIS IS NOT A NEGOTIATION!!! It took all of my GOD given patience not to pick her up and put her ass in the shower under ice cold water... I always keep what you tell me in the back of my head... take a step back and a deep breath.... I always wonder will Mack make it to the teenage years...LMAO!!! These girls are going to make us drink more...lol

Casie said...

HAHA! Were in BIG BIG trouble with a capital T! I said to Syd "whose the mommy???" she said "You" and I said "whose the kid?" and she said "me" and I said "mommy make the rules!!!"
My mom threw my brother in a cold shower ONCE...you only have to do it ONCE! LOL!
See you at happy hour! :-)

Casie said...

Just wanted to say thank you to all the men in the house! Ive received several adorable and sweet messages from men with and without kids. It's refreshing to "hear" that there are men out there who appreciates a woman and how hard being a mommy is. You must have amazing moms yourself :) Please tell them I say "Great job bitches!" lol! XOXOXOXOXO