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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Prayers of Gratitude"

Every night my daughter and I do what we call "Prayers of Gratitude". We lay in her bed and read a book or two, and before I turn out the lights we say our prayers. We start by praying for all that we are thankful for (you can only imagine what a 5 year old is thankful for: mommy, daddy, fun dip, fancy Christmas dresses, chicken nuggets with ketchup and her everything-is-pink bedroom:). I started doing this when I left her father and I wasn't thankful for anything or anyone. I was bitter, sad, angry and watching too much Oprah (I STILL watch too much Oprah). I thought that focusing on the good instead of the bad would help take my blues away. Grass is ALWAYS greener it seems. So, for 30-60 seconds most nights we speak to the Higher Powers and thank them for all that we have and for all that we don't.
I thank God for putting me exactly where I'm suppose to be and because I know I'm exactly where I'm suppose to be I can now look at my marriage and divorce with happy thoughts and be extremely grateful for both experiences. Wasn't easy to get here, took me years!

 We all have struggles. Whether your like me and its divorce, or it's the loss of an important relationship, or a loved one, a job, poor finances etc...it's not easy to dust yourself off and pick yourself up (if it was everyone would do it!).  To quote my friend JoJo "IT SUCKS!" :) I've learned that it's in our struggles that we can learn who we are and what we stand for. I've always ACTED strong and courageous, but I knew deep down I was afraid of EVERYTHING! Of being alone, failure, not being perfect and not making the right decisions. But, now  I KNOW I'm strong and courageous. I feel it . I believe it. It's not just an act. 

I'm also very thankful for all of YOU (yes YOU! :-) reading my stories and commenting here and on Facebook. It means so much to me. So many amazing people have helped me and I hope I can give that back... Peace.

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