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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

"It Takes a Village"

"It takes a village to raise a child, in interdependent world" Hillary Clinton

One of the reasons that I decided to do this blog is because I have learned so much on my journey and I wanted to share those lessons with you :). One of the many lessons I learned is that in all areas of our life it takes a village! Especially in raising a child. There is no possible way to be a child's mother AND father. Trust me on this one! My mother tried and it's just impossible. However, I do believe in "father figures" and sometimes their better than the real thing (as in my childhood). When I separated and divorced my daughters father I had a really hard time accepting help. I thought I had to be this bad-ass single and ALONE mommy....that I could do it all...no problem...But I was sadly mistaken! The best thing I did for my daughter and myself was to accept all the help I could get, even from my ex-husband (gag me with a rusty fork!) haha...
It's hard to swallow your pride and say "you know what...I do need help". I thank God, the heavens and all the stars for my "Village"....my best friends (hey girl!), my amazing family (hi mom :), my awesome boyfriend and my new and "old" mommy friends. So, ask for help damn it! You know you need it! And guess what??? The people who love and adore you WANT to help! They would LOVE to help! It would make them HAPPY to help! :) Okay...you get my point...Peace.

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