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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"I Want My Daddy!!!"

I have been thinking about this topic since I came up with the idea of doing a blog. But it's a difficult subject for me so I waited...but, the longer I thought about it the more I realized that if it's a difficult subject for me it must be for you too!! So, here I go...
The first time my daughter cried for her father (I'm tearing up already) was when she was 2 years old and her father and I were separated for the second time.  I moved back into the first house we ever bought (oh how I loved that house!).  She was still in a crib and I was in the living room drinking a beer, (I swear I'm not a big drinker! I only drink during these occasions and pool days) and she was crying for her daddy..."daddy! daddy!" and I thought, "what the hell am I doing? She's worth giving it another shot". I actually gave it TWO more shots in the name of Sydney and the rest is Divorce history. After our fourth and final time separating she continued to cry for her father...and I did what most mommy's do...I covered for him. I told her daddy was at work and that he missed her too (which I'm sure is true). That his phone is probably not working right and he's thinking of her too etc...Quite frankly it became EXHAUSTING! Not only was I doing anything and everything for my daughter, but I was covering for HIM? Ummmmm...Hell to the NO! So, now when she cries (which she does at least once a week) I hand her the phone and have her call him so that he can explain himself to HER! It helps that shes old enough to talk on a phone (the little shit figured out my password to my iphone and calls her peps whenever she wants :) So, now their relationship is THEIR relationship. I've quietly removed myself. I cant handle the burden. It's way too heavy. I've lightened my load and my daughter will know her father based on her own relationship with him, not what I think of him. Nobody is perfect. And as I've said before he's a good dad who loves his daughter tremendously, but I know exactly how she feels...I at one time had the same yearning for him, and just like my daughter, I was continuously disappointed. But, he still has a chance with her...
I still yearn for my father....I don't think it ever truly goes away....


SanD said...

Kids are also very smart. Does she want her daddy the most when she's not quite getting what she "wants" from mommy? Or when mommy is being THE parent!

SanD said...

And I wouldn't be surprised if she misses her mommy when she's with him! I'm sure she does:)

Casie said...

Your right SanD :)
I do try to keep that in mind....
And I dont think she misses me at all! Shes like "good riddance!" Hahaha! :) XOXOX

Cindy said...

At the age of 60 I still am saddened at all the opportunities my father missed to know who i am. I am also saddened by all of the opportunities that my children's father missed to know who they are. With that being said don't forget that there are also mom's who for whatever reason's miss the opportunities they have to love and know their children. Parenting sucks on most days but we have a responsibility to our children to do our best, whatever our best is. Our children are our future.

Casie said...

I probably should speak about single dads and moms who miss out...good idea mom :)