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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"We All Have A Story To Tell"

For those who know me,  know that I have a knack for talking! I really don't know how to SHUT IT! Ever since I can remember I've gotten in trouble for my mouth. In school I received PLENTY of sad faces, red X's next to my name and detentions for my continuous and extreme lip service. I cant even tell you how many notes my mother received for my inability to shut the hell up! As I got older, my gift of gab got me in even more trouble. On MANY MANY occasions I have had to  "open mouth and insert foot", especially after a few beers (oh and if you get a few margaritas in me forget it!). However, as I've gotten older, my big mouth has started to serve me well. I LOVE talking to people and learning "their story". Because let's face it, we all have a story to tell and we LOVE  telling it!  We all have had, and currently have, struggles and triumphs. I've learned that some burdens are heavier and darker than others, while some people live more "privileged" lives. 

But, with that being said we've ALL been disappointed, let down, fallen down, beaten down and been down right "down and out" (say that 10 times)! But, we've all also smiled so big our cheeks hurt, cried tears of great joy,  loved the morning sun and enjoyed the moonlight and have laughed so hard we peed our pants (or is that just me??? opps! ;).

I've learned that we all want to love, be loved, have love... smell it, taste it, digest it, snuggle with it and make love to it (ohhh la la ). It doesn't matter if your rich or poor, fat or skinny, black or white, highly educated or not, live in a house or a car, married or single or with or without kids...WE ARE ALL THE SAME! We all want the same things from our lives.

Other people inspire me soooo much! It makes me feel not so alone. Like the night light has been left on for me just in case I get scared. 

I have many stories to tell. I have lived a very rich and dramatic life. I' m learning to embrace my stories and know that they are all JUST stories to be told, learned from and then filed away in the library of life for future reference, if need be. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it! What's YOURS???

Disclaimer: Hi mom! It's me, your amazing daughter. In honor of your request there is not ONE curse word in this blog (H E double hockey stick does not count)...don't expect me to do it again...I'm having withdrawals.

Peace out bitches!!! hehehe...

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Thank you honey, I love you too!