About Me

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I'm a bad-ass, hard working single mom! I'm also tired, overwhelmed, frustrated and looking for chocolate...all in the same day!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

"Where I Have Been"

Well in order to write about where I am, and where I'm going, I figured I should write about where I have been. I'll try to make it short, but for those whose know me, know that is a difficult task!
I unfortunately, or fortunately (all depends on how you look at it) come from a divorced home. My parents divorced when I was two (my oldest brother was 7, my sister was 4 and my lil brother was only 9 months old). So, you can imagine the chaos and turmoil my childhood was full of. As all of us single mommy's (and partnered) we do our best and my mom did the same. But, sadly her best was not good enough. However, I love my mother almost as much as my daughter! :) For these reasons and many more I swore I would never be divorced! Let alone a SINGLE MOTHER! No way! Jose! Not in a million fuckin ca-trillion years! So, you can imagine my surprise when my ex-husband (who I affectionately call El Douche) said to me, bags packed, on his way out the door, "I don't think I'm in love with you anymore" bullshit (time frame: my daughter had just turned one). What the fuck does that mean anyway???
After many many nights of crying on the bathroom floor, and months of chain smoking and living on Gatorade and bananas (the only food I could keep down) I discovered that not only did my ex not keep his promises to me (till death do us part...ummm...hello!!) but he was a classic cliche: he was screwing his 22 year old assistant! HAHAHA! See I can laugh about it now. Then, I threw all his belongings in our pool, washed our toilet with his toothbrush (oh yes I did :) and kicked him out. Did I say long story made short?? :) So, here we are 4 years later! Happy, healthy, thriving and most importantly living! My ex and I have come a long way. We still have our moments, but thanks to me we are friendly and he's a good daddy who loves his daughter very much.
This is all about moving forward....I'll try not be male bash, but I cant promise anything. He still pisses me off! But, we never speak of the affair anymore. I forgave him. Trust me he knows it's his loss! "I'm sexy and I know it" :) Peace.


firechic said...

See I told you that years down the road you were going to look back at this and be able to laugh! You didn't believe it would ever be possible and that the horror you were living through would turn into positive and it SO did! You are better off, and you know it! and yes, you are sexy too!

Casie said...

thanks Tray! Love you like a fat kid loves cake! XOXOXO

Mcmeg said...

Casie wow, you really summed up a whole lot in a couple paragraphs and it was so well written - and of course had your touch of humor! You've always been a strong willed girl and I give you a ton of credit for all you've been through in your life. I look forward to reading more of your blog:-) xo

Btw it's Megan Hastings, I have no idea how these blog things work - it's asking me to comment as: so I put Google Account (I don't think I have one of those though!)

Mcmeg said...

Ok well now I do have a google blog account haha talk to you soon!

Casie said...

And I feel the same about you Megan! Rock on! :)

Cindy said...

I think you get your bad-ass determination from your mother. You have 1 child, but when she moved out on her own she was the ripe old age of 25,and had 3 children under the age of 4. She made it and so did you. Now that's what I call BAD-ASS! Love you Case

Casie said...

Thanks mom! Your the best! :) love you. XOXOXXO